Ice Wars

Ice Wars takes the excitement and adrenaline of hockey fighting and puts it front and center.
Bold typography and a strong color palette help build a visual language and create branding that really packs a punch.


Direction 1: ‘The Crown’

The winner will be awarded a crown, rather than a traditional belt

Direction 2: ‘Ice’

The unique aspect of fighting on ice

Direction 3: ‘The Warrior’

Fighters are required to wear helmets, unique to IceWars

Direction 4: ‘Fists’

Using fists to represent the two combatants

Direction 5: ‘Figures Grappling’

Holding on to the jersey is unique to a hockey fight

Direction 6: ‘The Face-off Circle’

Unique to a hockey arena

Direction 7: ‘Monogram Logo’

Explore the aggressive shapes of the “IW” letterforms